Dupri and his attorney have not commented. Jones has a 7-month-old daughter.
Dupri is also facing financial troubles, the AP said, adding that his mansion was almost auctioned off after a foreclosure and that the music producer owes the state of Georgia more than $493,000 in back taxes for 2007. Dupri has a daughter, Shaniah Mauldin, with Pam Sweat.
He says in his 2008 memoir "Young, Rich, and Dangerous: The Making of a Music Mogul," that he met Sweat when he was 25 and that she told him of her pregnancy after the two dated for several weeks.
Dupri and Jackson broke up in 2009 after being together for about seven years.
To see more child support information click here
When asking the father for money, they then realize they will not see a dime of the money they should be getting. They are entitled to that money and so is the child or children. It helps to cover their needs in life and since they helped to conceive the child they are partially responsible for the upbringing of the child.
Child Support Lawyer Essex County
Custodial Parent Endorses the Services of the Custodial Support Foundation and Bounty Alert for Assisting in Collecting $11,000 of Her Child Support Arrears through Project Child Support.
See Endorsement:
The noncustodial parent found living in Maryland after leaving New Jersey in an attempt to not pay child support.
The noncustodial parent was arrested during the court appearance to prevent his assets from being seized and liquidated during the hearing to obtain the custodial parents enforcement order through Project Child Support.
The custodial parent was also facing an eviction, which she was able to stop by paying her past due rent.
If you are owed child support and are unable to collect your arrears, call the Custodial Support Foundation at (855) 851-HELP or (855) 851-4357.
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