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Monday, February 9, 2009

Eddie Murphy has to pay Spice girl $51,000 a month

Comedian ends legal dispute with former Spice Girl Melanie Brown
Eddie Murphy has been ordered by a judge to pay $51,000 a month in child support for his 22-month-old child Angel Iris until she turns 18…totaling in $10 million. According to The Daily Telegraph, Murphy has also agreed to start seeing the child he has with former Spice Girl, Melanie Brown. Murphy first questioned whether the child was his until paternity tests proved he was the father. “I don't know whose child that is,” Murphy said on Dutch TV show RTL Boulevard in 2006, “until it comes out and has a blood test.” Both Brown and Murphy were embroiled in a 15-month long legal dispute. “Mel is delighted that the case is over,” a friend of Brown said. “She just wanted what was right for the girl.” To see more child support stories click here

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