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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Child support benefit law criminals

The Minnesota Child Support Enforcement Agency rewards our incarcerated criminals. Minnesota Statute 518A.42 Subd. 3 clearly lays out an exception for men or women who are incarcerated. This Minnesota Statute specifically exempts people who are incarcerated from the minimum child support requirements. I believe Minnesota taxpayers should know how this affects them.
Under our current child support system, when a custodial parent is receiving financial assistance from the county in which they live, such as cash assistance, daycare assistance, or medical assistance, the non-custodial parent is responsible for paying the state back a portion, if not all, of the assistance that was given to maintain their child. This is paid back with the child support payment that is ordered from the non-custodial parent.
The non-custodial is responsible for this even if they are not working. In the event that this is the case, the current child support becomes back child support and is still owed to the state.
And can be collected in many ways. This program alleviates some of the burden on the Minnesota taxpayers.
However, under the above mentioned statute, once a person becomes incarcerated they are no longer required to be responsible for child support. It stops until they are released, no matter how long the
And any back child support that is owed before they are incarcerated is no longer reported to credit reporting bureaus.
Our criminal justice system has punished the offender for their crime, and the Minnesota Child Support System turns around and rewards them. Child Support is forgiven during their prison stay. Any assistance that the non-incarcerated parent receives will not be paid back after the offender is released.
This law should be stricken, and offenders should be responsible upon their release to pay back the back child support that accrued during their incarceration.
The only person who benefits from this statute is the criminal. The person who could not obey the laws set up to protect us. And the law abiding, productive citizens of Minnesota foot the bill not only for their daily needs in prison, but also take care of their child support as well.
The child suffers and so do the already heavily-taxed Minnesota citizens.

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