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Thursday, September 24, 2009

Survey says" You are not the father!

ATLaNTA, Sept. 23 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- In 2003, The American Association of Blood Banks found that in almost 30 percent of the paternity tests conducted the man being tested is not the biological father.

"This means millions of fathers may unknowingly be raising children who are not theirs biologically. When a man discovers the truth about the child's parentage, this can have a far-reaching emotional impact upon him, the child, and the families involved like John Edwards' situation," said Carnell Smith PfV, renowned paternity fraud expert and director of U.S. Citizens Against Paternity Fraud ( ).

Smith said, "Surprisingly there has been no formal study of this - until now."

Sharon Squires, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Sociology at California State University-Dominguez Hills, and Carnell Smith PfV have joined forces to develop a new on-line survey, the first of its kind, which will examine the emotional, financial, legal, and social impact of paternity fraud on men.

"We know very little formally about how men react to learning that they are not the biological father of a child they thought they had fathered," said Dr. Squires. "Men have few places to turn for help when they find themselves in this situation. With this survey we want to get a baseline understanding of this very important issue which has profound implications for society and for a child's right to know their identity."

Frank Hatley is a paternity fraud victim, recently released from jail after serving about one year for owing back child support reimbursement for a child proven by DNA testing not to be his. Hatley is childless, according to a CNN report (8/11/09).

Hatley's release was based upon use of the 2002 Georgia paternity fraud law. Carnell Smith was the driving force behind this law.

Dr. Squires and Carnell Smith will join filmmaker Angelo Lobo for a special question and answer period after the showing of Lobo's documentary, "Support? System Down", ) showing in Atlanta, Georgia at the Peachtree Village International Film Festival at the Underground Atlanta Event Loft on September, 26, 2009, at 4 PM EST. "Mistakes and questionable practices of child support agencies are much more common than many people think," said Lobo.

This is starting to be a common thing,

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