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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Casino Gambling Winnings Help Pay Child Support In Colorado

Colorado casinos are helping parents receive child support payments. A law has been put in effect this year, and over $600,000 in child support payments have been made because of the new law.

The law makes casinos do a computer check on any patron who wins more than $1,200 in jackpot winnings. Those computers turn up anyone who owes back child support. If that is found to be the case, the money is given to the state and not to the winner.

"This is a checks and balances system that should be in every state where there is casinos," says Annabelle Slaton, "There are many parents who are not paying child support but are instead using the money to gamble. This should not be allowed."

Colorado lawmakers agree with Slaton, which is why they put the law in place. State officials in Colorado take child support seriously. They have collected over $320 million in child support in the last year alone.

While that makes the money taken from casino jackpots look small, it is still over $600,000 that was given to parents that had previously been owed support. The law is working, and that has many parents in the state happy.

"To know that someone cannot go to a casino and spend money that should be going to their children is comforting," said Ben Balster, "These deadbeats not only should have their winnings taken, they should be in jail."

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