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Monday, December 7, 2009

22 Morris residents arrested in child support sweep

The Sheriffs’ Association of New Jersey announced this weekend the apprehension of 864 New Jersey delinquent parents in a bi-annual child support warrant sweep for f

There were 22 Morris residents arrested in the sweep, owing $499,258.51. Of that, $15,884 was collected in the raids.

The goal of the three-day sweep is to apprehend non-custodial parents who have failed to pay their court-ordered child support, according to the organization. Additional targets include parents who have failed to appear at court hearings to establish child support orders or orders for medical support.

The sweep was done in cooperation with the New Jersey Office of Child Support Services. The Sheriffs Association of New Jersey was the lead agency in this event.

Sheriff’s officers from the 21 New Jersey county heriffs’ offices, with assistance from other agencies, canvassed the state in search of offenders over the course of the three-day sweep, which began Dec. 1. Throughout the state, 864 warrants were executed, and out of an outstanding $13,741,646 owed, approximately $164,861.73 was collected.

“With this state wide round-up of parents that do not fulfill their court ordered obligation, all 21 county sheriffs are committed to bring these adults to justice,” Sheriffs’ Association of New Jersey president and Somerset County Sheriff Frank Provenzano said. “One of our main concerns is the children of this state, and we need to ensure they have not been neglected and will have a white Christmas. "

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