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Friday, April 18, 2008

Child Support Plan to Reduce Incarcerations

Fairfax County Del. Dave Marsden sponsored the program that will offer child-support delinquents a chance to avoid incarceration. Hundreds of Virginians convicted of failing to pay child support will be given a chance to stay out of jail under a bill approved recently by the General Assembly. The pilot program will closely monitors convicted dodgers in the community instead of incarcerating them. At the court's discretion, participants entering the program will be required to work and pay off their debts gradually, with their progress checked closely by a state caseworker. If offenders fail to make payments or follow specifics of the court order, they could be sent to jail. Participants will be released from the monitoring program when caseworkers determine they are fulfilling the court's terms.
With the start of this program and more money being paid to the childern, a success with this program would mean more states will implement this programs and cut down on funds needed to incarcerate child support dodgers.

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