Child support Search Engine

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The power of the Internet...

I am sure everyone realizes how powerful the Internet is, but do you really understand the unlimited depth that you can research material? Have you ever looked up a word on the Internet, but was not sure how to spell it? So you put the best phoentic sounds of the word and hit enter and the search came back do you mean this phonetics. The same goes for child support, money, life and the pursuit of happiness.
If you go to Court and the judge imposes a judgement on you and you don't agree, you do have the right to appeal. I am sure they want you to believe that their decision if final, but it is not that's where appeal comes in, to a higher Court. I promise you you will find at least 10 other cases just like yours, and you don't have to go to a law library to find them... Just the Internet. If your income issue is about income, type in child support issues with income. Now you may have to rearrange the words to find the topics of the cases. Also you can look up Supreme Court cases with the same ease. The key is, if you don't believe it, research it!

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