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Monday, July 28, 2008

Establishing Paternity

The reason that I decided to write about this issue is because of the surge of men paying for children that actually are not their biological children. Surely this could'nt be true, right? The reality is all a woman has to do to establish paternity is to say that the baby is mine. This is were men get the shaft, if the man never receive information that he has to appear in court. Then the court automatically assumes that the man is the father. Of course it just that simple for a woman to go to court and make a claim and establish paternity. Now lets look at the flip side, they start garnishing the guys check talking about child support. He is livid and marches down to Department of Human Services (DHS) asking why is my check being garnished. They politely explain that paternity has been established and he is the father of a boy or girl. Now hold on to your seats and enjoy the ride. The accused is not afforded the opportunity to dispute such a claim without first appearing in court. Even after he makes a claim he then has to pay for a DNA test to prove the child is not his! (Please remember that he is still paying child support)... So the test comes back and proves he is not the father. Now he has to go back to court and show the proof to stop the garnishment. So after the court agree that the child is not mine, I have to wait for the court order to cease garnishing my check... This is the ugly part, all money that is paid to the mother who made the claim she gets to keep! This is food for the thought, you as an accused parent have a window of time to dispute a child being yours, if you don't then you are stuck paying support for the next 18 years...

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