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Thursday, July 31, 2008

What do you think should be the minimum payment ?

What do you think should be the minimum payment for child support by fathers? If the child does not live with both parents should clothes be at the separate homes. What advice would you give to fathers in regards to the upbringing of their kids in terms of financial, moral and emotional support?

Yolanda: “It should be $100 per week for a child. Sometimes children do have clothes at the other home depending on the type of father. Fathers must look after their children especially if they know they are theirs. They must rally behind their children 100 per cent because the children are their future.”

Anonymous: “I would say $100…Is reasonable. I shall talk for myself because some might not agree. I have a two-year-old son and I give him anything once his mother calls and asks. I never believe that a man should have to end up in courts for child support. If you didn’t want a child, you would not have gone there in the first place. Clothes should be shared at both homes. As a father, play the father’s role and be there at all times. Fathers, they are your children don’t let them go astray and go in gangs.”

Speechless: “I believe about $300. With the rising cost of living, $100 can’t do anything for anybody. Children should have clothes by both parents. Fathers must be aware of the essence of parental care in terms of discipline and financial support. Parental care could be categorised under financial arrangement. Love for your kids is very important too.”

Perry: “I have a daughter, she is one year, seven months, three weeks and six days. I believe there shouldn’t be a minimum, once you have it, give it. Fathers, whatever is yours belongs to your child as well. Yes, I believe that the clothes should be shared. Any shopping for the youth, both mother and father must deal with that responsibility collectively. Make time to see your youth as much as possible, no matter what’s on the agenda, always be there for them. Do not neglect a child because a child feels more of the love when both mother and father are around.”

Zardara Powell: “It should be $200 or at least $150 per week. What can $80 do and life is so hard? Yes, children who live with their moms should have clothes at their father’s place. I would tell the fathers to support their child/ren always”.

The point I think that these people are missing is not how much it cost to raise the child, but how much can the father pay and still support himself...

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