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Saturday, January 24, 2009

Baby found wandering,mother arrested

HAMMOND, LA (WPRI) - Police in Louisiana arrested a 22-year-old East Providence, Rhode Island woman after her 18-month-old baby was found wandering in the parking lot of motel.
An eyewitness told Hammond Police that she found the child walking alone in 35-degree weather late Monday night wearing " a thin nightie and a pair of socks".
Police say around 10 pm, they found the empty second-floor room used by the mother, Kimberly Briggs and her boyfriend, who is the father of the child, with the door open. According to police, the playpen and baby bed were empty, and there was a daiquiri on one of the tables.
While inside, officers left a note for the two parents telling them to call police once they got back.
Briggs called police a couple of hours later asking where her child was. She originally told police she had asked someone to watch the baby while she went to pick up her boyfriend from work. But, later admitted to police that the story was not true, and that she had left her baby alone in a playpen in the room.
Police believe the baby went down the stairs and into the parking by itself. They also say Briggs admitted she had been drinking and taking medicine before the incident.
The father was not arrested because he was working at the time. Kimberly Briggs, now faces a charge of one count of criminal abandonment.
Meanwhile, her child was taken to a foster home by the Louisiana state Office of Community Service.

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