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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Parents Say Beware of Bogus Child Support Collection Companies

MEMPHIS, TN -- If you are paying child support in Tennessee, you may want to make sure it is going to the proper location. If not, you might not get credit for the payment and you could end up in jail. Mitch Morgan is the director of the Child Support Services division at the Juvenile Court of Memphis and Shelby County. Morgan says many times, parents are sending money to a private collection agency, but they think they are sending money to the state.Morgan says a company operating in the Memphis area is called “Child Support Services.” Morgan says the name is deceiving. Many parents think when they call that agency; they are calling the Juvenile Court. Morgan says the paperwork the company sends out looks like the official state paperwork. Morgan says the company illegally issues wage garnishments. That means the money is taken directly from the person’s paycheck. The company lists an address of 111 S. Highland, Suite 415. When Eyewitness News went to that location, we found a UPS Store. “Suite 415” is really a post office box. If you call information, you are told the company is located at 202 S. Court. However, when we went to that address it was a downtown parking lot.Anthony Strong has had child support taken out of his paycheck since April. Strong says even though the money is being garnished, his ex-wife is not getting the money. “Right now I feel taken advantage of “says Strong. He added “I feel sorry for my daughter because she is not getting the support I thought I was giving her.” more

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