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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Have you been cuckolded by your wife?

In the case of Mike L, his wife broke their marriage contract when she cuckolded him( is when a married man wife commits an adulterous act) and bore a child that was not his. As reported by the Times, when he discovered that the girl was not his daughter he immediately sought a divorce.

By violating their marriage contracts, women who cuckold their husbands already have increased the chances of financial and emotional instability affecting the lives of their children. This instability is augmented by laws which require men to cut ties in order to avoid child support, thus making them choose between their desire for retribution against the cheating spouse and their desire to maintain a relationship with the child.

Wives who violate their marriage contracts by cuckolding their spouses should not be awarded child support payments for those children. One suspects that the advent of widespread paternity testing at birth will reduce the instances of this kind of contractual violation and thus also shrink the number of children who will be affected by the emotional and financial instability it causes.

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