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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Montell Williams kids are ungrateful

Former talk show host Montel Williams is being put through the wringer by his own children. Montel Jr. and Wynter are both calling him an emotionally deadbeat Dad for not being supportive enough of them despite the fact that Montel pays $18,700 a month in child support. According to the NY Daily news:

Montel Williams two kids with his ex-wife Grace put in on blast in the NY Daily News. 14-year-old Wyntergrace and 16-year-old Montel Jr both say their father is not a part of their lives. Montell Jr says, "I eat every night. I'm comfortable, but I can't say I have him as a father. There's all this fighting over things that shouldn't be a fight, like paying for my PSAT." While Wyntergrace adds, "I wouldn't say I really have a relationship with my dad. He's not in my life right now. It's his choice."

I really wish that it was that easy, that he does not care about the children. Lets face it sometimes a man has to suck it up and make a choice that he will not deal with the children on the mothers terms. Nothing is more frustrating that the children come to your home and they are used as spys for the mother. What does he have, who is he seeing. Its funny that you never question what they have but they always want to know what you got...

The sad thing about the children is that they can not see the truth, the man spent $224,400 a year on his children. Please understand one thing, the man put his life on hold to take car of his children, of course if they don't see him, does that really justify calling the man a deadbeat?

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